We had fierce winds last night...gusts of rain blasted against the window glass, the wind howled through the vents -- whistling like some movie soundtrack from
Wuthering Heights! 
These bromeliads hung in there, despite the whipping they received from the raging wind that tore through this area during the dark hours...

When i see GOD's creation being so persistent and tenacious at hanging on to dear life, i'm encouraged. Life is not without the occasional buffeting storm or raging wind...but with CHRIST as my
Rock, i can stand firmly on the solid ground that He shields me from the worst blows and that He hides me under His wing as He walks with me through the gauntlet of life's trials.
And i know that Spring always arrives...with delicious colors! These bromeliads await for that coming season of bursting hues...with more patience than me!
There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4)
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