The SHADOWS In Our Lives
Like a flower, we blossom for a moment and then wither. Like the shadow of a passing cloud, we quickly disappear. (Job 14:2)
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1)
We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing. We heap up wealth for someone else to spend. (Psalm 39:6)
My life passes as swiftly as the evening shadows. i am withering like grass. (Psalm 102:11)
Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from GOD above, who created all heaven's lights. Unlike them, He never changes or casts shifting shadows. (James 1:17)
Guard me as the apple of Your eye. Hide me in the shadow of Your wings. (Psalm 17:8)
For these rules were only shadows of the real thing, CHRIST Himself. (Colossians 2:17)
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