WELCOME! to our garden...
with leaves a-fuzzed.
a squash, the fruit of much patient waiting.
THEN -- April -- sunlit peach blooms...
NOW -- September 11 -- edible peaches.
THEN -- March -- young chayote plant seeking light...
growing UPwards...
NOW -- August and up to now -- chayote everywhere!
growing UPwards...
trained to grow UP...
summer squash still bearing fruit.
THEN -- May -- green first fruits...
NOW -- July through today...late fruits still on the vine.
THEN -- July -- already pleasing to the eyes...
providing wonderFUL shade from the noon sun,
a haven for contemplation, a quiet corner for lunch...
an inviting "secret garden."
"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain." (John 12:24) Thus JESUS died so that many may rise.
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